There are lots of ways you can become involved in physical and mental activities.
At Womensport & Recreation Tasmania we welcome women and men from all walks of life to participate in the programs we run throughout Tasmania.
Becoming involved in exercise can be at any level -
it's really up to you.
Our programs and workshops are conducted in many types of facilities and locations, with a wide range of group activities that clients participate in at their own pace.
We all lead busy lives and therefore there is often little time for exercise.
The effects of exercise on mental and physical health is undeniable.
Womensport & Recreation programs are run in a variety of rural and city locations throughout Tasmania. These programs and workshops are within the means of every Tasmanian - find out what's on in your area.
Only you can make it happen.
We live in a body conscious world and there is no denying the fact that some women are self-conscious of how they look when they exercise and lack confidence in their abilities.
All our sessions are filled with ordinary people, living ordinary lives – with one goal in mind – to improve their overall well-being.
Ageing is a natural part of life and if
you can feel comfortable with your body, with how you look, feel and move, you will be positive about using your body to live a full exciting life, whatever your age.
Listen to your body. Your intuition gives you the clues you need to maintain your own health. Come along, keep fit, have fun and make new friends.
Body image is a very important issue as it impacts in either a positive or negative way on quality of life.
WSRT focus on helping you make positive lifestyle changes in a comfortable friendly atmosphere.
Our workshops cover topics dealing with nutrition, diet, wellbeing and exercise.
Every session begins with a one-hour workshop covering a range of issues before embarking on an hour of a fun physical activity chosen by the group.
All our sessions encourage clients to try something that they may not have considered doing before.
There is no better time than NOW!
Change your way of thinking and get involved in some form of physical exercise today.
Be willing to create a lifestyle that nourishes and maintains good self-esteem.
Associate with others who have good self-esteem and don't stay in relationships that don't support your best interests.
Exercise with a friend – it’s fun and the best motivation you could ask for.